Thursday, June 28, 2012

My hand is in pain.

I'll explain why in a moment.

I went to the pond park in search of the Thorned Prince. I had the sword hidden inside my satchel just in case. I found him pretty quickly.

"I've been waiting for you Daniel," He said.
"You knew I was coming?" I asked.
"I read your blog," He said. "And before you ask, I have no idea where your friend is. But I know who might."
"And who would that be?" I asked.
"I believe it's the same bitch he works for," He said, pointing behind me.

I turned and saw that Akihiko had followed me there.

"Hello, Daniel," he said.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I ran into an old acquaintance earlier," He explained. "He informed me that you lived in this town, so I decided to check your blog, and I found out you'd be coming here to search for Ren." Then he drew a really long sword which was at his side.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I have orders to eliminate you both," He said.

He charged at me, sword ready, but before I could react, someone else appeared there between us and blocked his daito with a cutlass. He looked younger than me, but I couldn't actually see his face behind his mask. It had a weird looking symbol on it, but I didn't get a good look at it.

"Stand down, Samurai," he said.
"And what do you plan to do if I don't, Estren?" Akihiko asked.
"If you try to harm Daniel, I'll have no choice but to unleash the fires of hell," Estren said.

That didn't seem to bother Akihiko. He continued to swing his sword, but then something bizarre happened. Estren's cutlass burnt into flame and he started fighting a lot more aggressively.

"Had enough?" He asked, kicking Akihiko in the chest and knocking him over. Something about his voice had changed.
"Not even close," Akihiko said, getting back up.

I reached into my bag and pulled the sword out.

"You don't plan on interrupting them do you?" The Thorned Prince asked.
"You said that Akihiko works for the person you took Tony, right?" I asked. "I have to get the answers from him."
"I thought you might say something like that," He replied. As I watched him, I saw the craziest thing ever. His right arm started to harden and change. It grew and became gnarled like a tree branch. Then it actually became wood and started dripping blood. Yeah, that's kind of creepy. I charged at Akihiko, and started fighting him. I think Estren and the Thorned Prince got in a fight with each other. I wasn't really paying attention.

It wasn't easy, but I eventually beat Akihiko.

"How?" He demanded. "How could you overpower me?"
"I'm just that bad ass," I said. "Now tell me where Tony is!"
"Do you really want to know that badly?" said a woman's voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw a woman made of solid wood standing there with Tony lying on the ground unconscious at her feet.

"Here he is," she said coyly. I tried to run to him, but it seemed as though some kind of invisible force was holding me back. Almost like i was attached to super strong strings that were restricting my movements. Now that I think about it, Maybe that is what it was.

She continued taunting me. I got really frustrated with her. I'm not sure how I did it, but I managed to break free from whatever was holding me back. I rushed over to her and slugged her straight in the temple -which is why my hand hurts- then I side blade kicked her in the jaw and proceeded to stomp repeatedly on her face after she went down. Then Akihiko tackled me from behind. I grappled with him for a while, but then Estren put him in a head lock and they both vanished.

I got up and looked around. That woman was gone, but Tony was still lying there. the Thorned Prince shot me a quick glance, then vanished through a portal. There were a bunch of black-leaved trees on the other side of it.

I picked up Tony and dragged him home.

He's still asleep right now. Needless to say, I've got some things to ask him when he wakes up.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I went over to his house earlier to watch the video, but his mom (who he still lives with) informed me that he wasn't there all day. Apparently, he went to sleep last night and the bed was empty this morning. Couldn't reach his cellphone, and I found a crumpled up piece of paper under his pillow.

The picture sketched on it was all too familiar. It was a woman wearing a dress so long that you couldn't see where her legs ended and the air began. Her fingers each ended with a sharp talon, and a large pair of wings stretched from her back. He hair was long and beautiful. And her eyes- they had these huge black pupils.

And when I looked into her pupils, I saw the man Akihiko was looking for. The Thorned Prince. He was sitting in a place I've been before. There's a woods-ish area connected to the pond park, and there's quite a few hangout points in it. That's where he's been hiding. For some reason, I get the feeling he knows where Tony is. I'm going to confront him tomorrow. I need to know what happened to my friend.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


That's what I found on my bed when I got home. No clue how they got there. There were a bunch of them, scattered all over my sheets. Red daisies, blue roses, hollyhock, protea, plumeria, delphinium, and a bunch of others. Why did god decide to make my life so weird all of a sudden?

The sword caught fire today. It didn't burn anything (thank god), but it did freak me the fuck out.

Also, Tony's gonna show me that video tomorrow.

By the way, are black leaves normal? because I've been seeing a lot of them blowing around in the wind lately. There aren't any trees in the neighborhood that grow black leaves, so I'm not sure where they could be coming from.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Why is the sword hot?

I'm used to this thing emitting warmth, but it's been getting real hot lately. I hope it doesn't burst into flames again.

Maybe it's warning me about something.

But what?

I haven't seen the Archangel or the Entity in a little while. Entity is my new name for Slender Man, by the way. According to Tsu, he doesn't have an official name, and Slender Man is the title that's generally accepted among most people. I decided I'd go with a more creative name. Therefore, he is Entity. Fuck you, Entity.

I also got a call from that weird doctor again. He wants to set up an appointment. I told him I have a lot of stuff going on and that I'd give him a call when I was free.

I'm not really sure how I'm gonna deal with this guy.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thorned Prince

I met this guy today named Akihiko Hideo. He was looking for someone. He showed me a picture of the guy, and I told him I'd keep and eye out.

The person in the picture is named Ren Takura, but apparently he also goes by the title "Thorned Prince". He's an asian man, about 30-ish. Akihiko says he tends to rip the right sleeve off his shirts. That should make it easier to find this guy.

I told Tony about it, and he seemed pretty happy to receive a new case.

Oh yeah! Tony agreed to show me the film, but not just yet. Soon, though.

Friday, June 22, 2012

This is weird

I'm watching tv right now, and something weird is going on. It keeps changing to this channel I've never seen before. I try changing it back, but after a few minutes it goes to the weird channel again.

It was showing this violent gladiator show earlier. Now it's on- I don't know, some kind of porno. There's a lot of leather and chains and stuff involved. I'm not really into that kind of stuff.

Wait, why is there a chainsaw?


I just puked all over my bed. Laundry day's early this week, I guess.

This channel is fucked up! What kind of sick twisted freak watches this shit?

I'm turning off the tv. I can't watch any more of this. I'm gonna talk to my landlord tomorrow and see if somethings wrong with the cable.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still trying

Tony still won't show me the footage, but I'm not giving up anytime soon. Tony was coughing up blood when he picked me up after my fight. He said he saw "it". I don't know what exactly "it" is, but it can't be good. I have to see that footage.

Also, I keep hearing Justin's voice, but I can't make out what he's saying. He sounds scared. I think he needs my help. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

I met up with Jane earlier. She's still running from the Cold Boy. She's been hanging around public areas s that he can't catch her on her own.

I also spoke with Tsu over the phone. He says he'll be back in town soon. He thinks it was dumb of me to fight the Archangel, but fuck him, if someone challenges me, I'll accept it.

Signing off. Later.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Archangel

Saturday night at around 6, I went to the pond park with Kyle and Tony. I had the sword with me. Kyle had also lent me his pocket knife, just in case.

The Archangel was waiting there for me, in the form of Justin. Tony and Kyle were shock as shit to see him. I don't blame them. We had all attended his wake and seen his dead body in that open casket, so seeing him alive and well is certainly a confusing thing to behold.

The Archangel told me that he wanted to fight without spectators, so I left with him while Kyle and Tony went home.

We went to an old abandoned church, and that's where our fight began. He summoned that weird black mist of his and created a scythe. He came at me with it, and I fight tooth and nail to bring him down.

I guess I was doing good, because he started getting frustrated at some point. So frustrated, that he transformed.

You remember the giant thing that Tony described from his dream? Well, it's a lot more terrifying than what he described.

It toward over me, with four arms, holding two huge fucking swords and a scythe that could easily behead the statue of liberty. It wore a gas mask covered in spikes and twin hourglass symbols. It was fifty times as buff as those wrestler guys on tv, and it had seven -yes, seven- pairs of jet-black angel wings.

I wasn't sure what this waqs. I might have been his true form. Maybe he could appear as dead monsters as well as dead humans. I have no idea. All I know is that I nearly pissed myself when I saw it.

Then the sword started glowing. More than just glowing; it actually burst into flames. They were comforting flames. They seemed to burn away all my fear and helped me to focus on the fight.

I jumped back in there and started battling it. I don't know how I pulled it off, but I climbed up its body and sunk the blade into one of its eyes. It shrieked loudly and threw me off. The sword fell from my hand and landed several feet from me.

The monster changed back into Justin, and its eye miraculously healed. He came at me. I drew Kyle's knife and tried to fight him. He took the knife and jammed it into my leg. He then started to strangle me. I did the only thing that came to my mind and started strangling him back.

You know, my old Sensei used to say that a fight should only end on the ground if you bring it to the ground. He'd probably face-palm if he saw me choke wrestling an eldritch abomination.

Then the really weird thing happened. He released me and jumped back in alarm. Except it wasn't a he anymore. It was no longer Justin. I didn't know why at the time, but it had changed into a girl. It shouted out "Give it back!" and then dived at me.

As luck would have it, our little strangle competition had brought me closer to the sword. I picked it up and jammed it into its chest. It screamed in pain before vanishing. I could swear it said "We'll settle this someday, you thief" before it left.

I limped out of the church and looked into the stained glass windows. I gasped as I saw my reflection. I had turned into Justin. I think I must have somehow stolen Justin's body from the Archangel when we were strangling each other. I changed back into myself after a few minutes, but it was still pretty shocking.

I called up Tony and asked if he and Kyle could come pick me me up. During the phone call, I realized that the knife was still lodged in my leg, and I managed to hurt myself pulling it out.

So yeah, you think all of that was pretty weird, huh? Well, stick around, cause it gets crazier.

Aftr the fight, We all started getting shitfaced. And I swear that while I was drunk, I heard Justin's voice in the back of my head. I couldn't make out what he was saying. I'm gonna do msome shots of vodka to see if anything happens. Wish me luck.

Oh, hi Slender Man. Want some Vodka too? It's watermelon flavored. It still taste pretty bad, .but it's awesome if you chase it with Clear American (available in your local Wal-Mart). No? Suit yourself. More for me.

The Fight's Over

The fight with the Archangel is over. Did I win? Well, sort of. Its hard to explain. I'd tell you what happened, but right now I'm too drunlk to explain anything coherently. I'll describe it all later. Tony says he filmed some crazy shit while I was off fighting Archie, but he refuses to show any of it to me. He says he doesn't want to stress me out any more that I already am. Damn it, I just had a crazy fuckin fist fight with an eldritch abomination wearting my dead friends body with a bunch of weird black mist and flaming swords and giant monsters involved. I doubt whatever you caught on camera could top that. Anyway, I'll tell you about my fight later, and I'll try and get Tony to hand over that footage so I can post it to youtube. Later bitches.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Last Drink

Hey Archie! Wassup! I'ma fuckin kill you, you eldtrich motherfucker. Imma fuck your shit up. ill rip your intestines out and i forgot where i waz going wit this.

I am intoximacated right now, cuz if i might die tomorrow, i wanna have some fun before it happens. But im pretty confidt that I'll win against that stupid fear guy. he thinks hes all tough with his eldrichness and his evil servant, but I've got news for hiom. Nobody but nobody challenges Daniel Xavier Ferris and get away hbtghjiroegfvtuuiythjsbyudk

Hi, this is Tony. Daniel just fell asleep on the keyboard. Most guys would've deleted all that to avoid humiliating their friend, but that was hilarious so I'm posting it anyway.

So yeah, in case you can't tell, the fight's tomorrow. Dan's been training hard all week, and think he'll do just fine. But just in case, me and the others are gonna go with him. Wish us some fucking luck.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Every One is Trying to Kill Me

Went to the doctors today. My endocrinologist sent me to see a dietitian in another office. He seem like an okay guy. He left the room for a bit, so I just sat there and looked around a bit. I noticed a poster he had on the wall. I was a long pole with a snake slithering over it. The longer I looked at it, the more familiar it became. Then it hit me; The symbols that the Archangel showed me. The one that looked like a weird 8 was the same as the poster. This may sound kind of crazy, but I think the new doctor works for one of the Fears.

Then he came in and informed me that I was overdue for a flu shot. I don't know much about flu shots, but isn't it a little out of season? I convinced him that I had given blood earlier and wasn't in the mood for more needle at the moment. I know that sounds weird from a diabetic, but the shots I usually do come from tiny syringes. The ones they use for flu shots are huge by comparison.

So I managed to dodge the bullet on that one. I don't think I can trust that guy.

Another thing I realized is that the symbols on That Guy Paris's girlfriend's finger nails are the same as the other symbol the Archangel showed me.


My exclamation point key is broken

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Crazy Chick.

That's the best way to describe That Guy Paris's new girlfriend. She really is a weird a weird girl. She has this funny symbol painted on her fingernails. Looks like a circle with an X through it. It seems familiar, but I don't have time to worry about it right now.

I planned to post a vid today, but Tony's webcam wasn't working and his mom would let us use the iphone. Maybe another time.

I'm gonna have to put my training on hold for a bit. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow that I have to go to. After that, it's back to intense work out and sparring. I swear to whatever god exists, I will beat the Archangel and

God damn it, go away you faceless freak! Why are you even in my room!?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


That is my name! Kyle Terrace. Dan gave me the password to this blog a while ago, but I've never used it til now. Something odd happened the other day. I was hanging out with that guy Paris, when I realized that there was some random chick standing outside the window staring at us. So, I did the only logical thing I could think of; I invited her inside to get high. Her name's Amelia. We sat around, talking and smoking weed. She started getting friendly with Paris, and I guess thy're dating now? I don't know. She was really weird. She was wearing this really green dress, and she at weird symbols on her finger nails. I didn't really get a good look at them.

Well, I've gotta go now. My dealer will be here any minute.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


My battle with the Archangel is a week away. I've been training as hard as I can so I can kick his eldritch ass.

That Guy Paris actually revealed lately that he's an amazing martial artist. He'll make a great sparring partner. I see about posting a video of us fighting, but I can't make any promises.

I'm also getting in some sword training. This might sound stupid, but I think Tony's dream might have been some kind of vision. Plus there's the fact that it sort of saved my life when the Cold Boy tried to kill me, so maybe it'll help me in my fight against the Archangel. Fingers crossed.

I got a call from Tsu earlier. He says that he and Martyr Beta had to leave town for a little while to deal with some campers a couple towns away. Not sure what that means.

Well, I have to go train some more. See you guys later.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I know you can't really hear Justin/Archangel over the phone, so I wrote up a transcript. I'm DF, Tony is TH and the Archangel is J/A

DF; Hey, I'm Dan Ferris. That's my friend Tony. We're here, just having a little get together because I've been going through a lot of weird, crazy shit, and it's been mellowing out, so I'm just living it up until it gets crazy again. We were gonna have a bigger get together, but Kyle and That Guy Paris had to leave early for there own rasons, so it's just me and Tony for now. So what've you been up to?
TH; Just screwin' around, ya' know. Doin' my own thing. I was hoping we were gonna have a big party today, but meh. We'll just leave it at that. Here, hold that.
DF; I got it.
TH; So yeah, just mainly screwin' around, Doin' nothing. Hangin' out, you know. Had a weird dream... Hold on, I got a phone call. Be right back. Hello?
J/A; Put Daniel on.
TH; What the hell!? Justin? What are doin' callin' me?
DF; What the fuck do you want, Archangel!?
J/A; Do you remember your last brawl with Justin?
DF; That fight was between me and Justin, Not me and You, so stay the f-
J/A; I was thinking of having a tie-breaker.
DF; Oh, really?
J/A; That fight was inconclusive, so why not settle the score?
DF; Name the time and place, asshole.
J/A; Next Saturday night at the pond park.
DF; All right, I'll be there. And you'll be sorry. Fucker, calling me out.
TH; Yeah but he called me. I don't know why he called me.
DF; The guy says he wants to conclude the fight between me and Justing from a couple years ago.
TH; Really?
DF; Yeah. He'll regret calling me out. Stupid Eldritch mother fucker.

So yeah, the Archangel wants to fight me. Says it's to settle the score between me and Justin.

You see, I had a big fight with him before, but it ended in a draw.

Now the Archangel wants to fight me with his body as a tie breaker.

It won't be the same. I fought Justin last time, not this pretentious twat.

But either way, I'm gonna kick this mother fuckers ass for inmpersonating my old friend and driving me crazy like thing and

Fucking Slender Man! Get out of my room!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I saw her today. I was on my way home from purchasing a new bike. She was sitting on a park bench eating one of those cracker lunchables with the juice pouch and the pudding and stuff. I decided to go see how how she was doing.

"'Sup?" I asked.
"Oh, hey Dan," She said. "A you okay?"
"I'm doing fine," I said.
"I'm sorry," She said. "I thought he would be more interested in me than you."
"Don't apologize," I said. "He's the third eldritch monstrosity that I've come face to face with. And honestly, I think the tall bald guy is scarier then him."
"You mean there's more?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said. "I've come across the Slender Man and the Archangel. I don't know what that frozen kid is called."
"I think I should be going now," She said.
"Is there a problem?" I asked.
"If I stay, He might attack you again," She said. "I think it would be better if I stayed away from people."
"Solitude will only draw the Cold Boy closer," I said. No idea where those words came from. It was like that time I said that thing to Slender Man.

Well, long story short, Jane's gonna be staying at a local homeless shelter for a little while.

I think I saw Slender Man on the way home. I don't know for sure.

Fuck this weirdness. I have a fun day planned with my friends and I'm not gonna let the Fears screw that up for me.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Left Alone

First of all, Hello May. Nice to meet you. And no, I did not proclaim my love for Slender Man. I did, however, find your joke hilarious.

What I was going to tell him was that he and the other Fear's were all annoying bastards and that I hope they all get gonorrhea and die. However, he was gone when I got outside, so I couldn't tell him.

Haven't seen him since. Haven't seen the frosty kid or Justin/Archangel either. Tsu and Beta haven't answered my calls in a while either. Maybe those Eldritch bastards are giving up. I don't know.

Well, since things are calming down a bit, I'm gonna see about arranging a get together with the guys soon. I might film some of it and post it to YouTube. Depends on if Tony can get his mom to lend us her iphone. I might be able to borrow my little sister's camera, but that's a big IF.

That's about all I have to say for now. I'll update if anything interesting and/or terrifying happens.

Sidenote; Haven't seen Jane around either. I hope she's okay.

Friday, June 1, 2012


I know this is a weird time to be posting, but I just woke up after being unconscious for several hours.

It started earlier today when I got out of my endocrinology appointment. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention I'm a diabetic? 'Cuz I kinda am.

Any whore, I got out of the appointment and was in the parking lot when an annoyingly familiar voice called me.

"Greetings, old friend," He called. I turned to see that Justin was standing on top of an ambulance truck and looking down at me.
"Hello, Justin," I said. "Or should I say Archangel?"
"I take it that pesky Archivist you hang out with told you my true identity," He said. "You realize that it's foolish to trust them, right?"
"How so?" I asked.
"Would you be shocked to know that they serve one of the eldritch abominations they warned you about?" He asked.
"I suppose I would," I replied. "I'll be sure to ask him about it next time I see the guy. Now if you don't mind, I got places to go and things to do."
"Before you leave, would you like to know a funny thing about this here hospital?" He asked.
"What are you getting at?" I asked.
"You can't trust some of the doctors here," He said.

Then that weird black mist started circling his hand and when it cleared, he was holding a black card. He tossed it to me and I looked at it. It had two symbols on it. One looked like some kind of weird 8. The other was a circle with and X through it.

"The fuck are these?" I asked.
"Those symbols belong to some of the other Fears," He said. "I'd suggest avoiding them."
"Why are you helping me?" I asked suspiciously.
"Because you're mine," He replied. "I won't let the others have you."
I threw the card he gave me on the ground and stomped on it.
"I don't belong to you or any of those other eldritch bastards!" I shouted at him.

He just laughed. And as he did so, black mist surrounded his head and formed that fucking gas mask.He looked down at me though the glass lenses of the mask.

"Keep talking tough, Daniel," He said. "But mark my words, you will embrace me." Then he sprouted a pair of jet-black angel wings and flew off. I guess they don't call him "Archangel" for nothing.

So then I continued walking home. And that includes walking over a freeway overpass. Before I started crossing, I saw that dude in the grey clothes again. As I passed him, He looked me dead in the eyes and smiled. Creepy.

I was halfway across the overpass when it happened. I heard a screech bellow me, and when I looked, I saw a truck careening out of control. It crashed into one of the pillars and- well- exploded.

I almost fell off the fucking edge. I was literally hanging onto the crumbling ledge with one hand. I thought it was over. I thought I was royally fucked. But someone saved me. This sixteen-year-old girl grabbed my hand and pulled me back up.

Needless to say, we got the fuck out of there. She told me her name was Jane and that she was on the run from something. She didn't tell and I didn't ask. I offered to take her back to my place so she could get a hot meal and a bath. I figured it was the least I could do.

She said that it sounded good enough for her. So we started walking. Then it got cold. And I mean really cold. In the middle of spring. In southern California. She started to freak out. She said that "He" was there. Didn't take long for me to realize who "He" was.

There was a little kid skipping behind us. He was singing this creepy song. It was like a really morbid version of "Mary Had a Little Lamb". I turned to look at him. He had cyan skin and indigo hair. I tried getting a better look at his face, but it was like looking through foggy glass.The closer he got to us, the colder it became.

"I have to go," Jane said. "I'll lead him away."
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"It'll just be more trouble for you if I stick around," She said. "I'll see you again some time."

She bolted off before I could say anything else. When I turned to look at the kid again, he was literally right next to me. It was so cold that my feet had frozen to the sidewalk.

"Hello!" He said.
"Who the fuck are you?" I asked. "What do you want?"
"I came to play with little Janey, but she left so I guess I'll just play with you," He said.

It got colder. I saw the malicious look in his eyes, and on instinct I drew the sword I had gotten in that package. And then I realized that I had left the sword at my house when I went to the hospital. So why the fuck did I have it now? I don't know, but I held it in front of me and told the kid to back the fuck off. The kid took a step back, and I realized why. The sword wasn't just emitting heat like it normally does; It was glowing red, and the ice that had formed on my feet melted away. I did the first thing that came to mind and ran home.

I got home. My roommate wasn't there. I went inside and opened the door to my room. Some one else was there. I didn't get a good look at him before he knocked me out with what I think was a crutch. I can still see that mask he had. It looked like a side view of Pac-Man's head, with the mouth opened so that his right eye was the only visible part of his face.

I woke up about an hour ago. I looked through my room. He took two things from what I can see. The first was Malkator's letter. The second was my grandmother's jewelry box. I lost the key to it a long time ago, but it still meant something to me. I don't know what he wanted with it.

I have to wrap this up. Slender Man is right outside my window I thing I'm gonna go tell him how I feel. Wish me luck.