Saturday, May 4, 2013

Three Swords

Shortly after my last post, David managed to open up a portal into the Grove Of fetters, which we escaped through. It was... a pretty intimidating place. Ashes everywhere, chains extending from the ground and up into the sky, with seemingly no end. And the points where the chains entered the ground... I could swear there was blood there. As if we were standing on a giant creature, and the chains were digging into its flesh. Who knows, maybe we were.

We walked for a few miles, before David said it'd be best if we left. I think... the piece of the Brute inside of him might have been reacting to the domain around us. So, we left, and now we're back in the human world. We split up with Scia. We've decided to head back to California. That seems like the best choice right now. We're in Nevada right now.

It's been a ear since I started this blog. I'm surprised so much time has past. As if in some kind of twisted anniversary, my mind was plagued with nightmares last night. Most of them were inconceivable visions which I couldn't seem to comprehend. But a few could be described.

The first... I saw my self. Or rather, the other me. The Devil Killer who killed his universe's Malkator. My Darker self. He sat back to back with another man. He was transparent, and glowed with an eerie silver light. He was dressed in weird clothes, like a cross between modern day clothes and ancient garbs. He had long hair that didn't seem to have a color. It wasn't black, or white, or anything. It was the color of nothingness. If that makes sense, which I know it doesn't. His face... it was out of focus. I couldn't identify him. All I could make out were... could they even be called eyes? The left one was glowing brightly, and didn't seem to have any pupil or iris. Just a glowing orb inside his skull. It was slowly changing between several colors, but it seemed to linger on shades of blue and cyan. And his right eye wasn't there at all. There was a line, almost like a scar, going down his face, where the eye should have been.

“Can I ask you something?” the transparent man said.
My Dark self didn't reply.
“Do believe there's a Heaven and Hell?” the transparent man asked.
“How the fuck am I supposed to answer that?” the other me asked.
“If they did exist, which do you think you'd go to?” the man asked.
“I think that's obvious,” the other me replied.
“You think you'd belong in Hell?” he asked.
“Is there any reason why I shouldn't?” the other me asked. “I've been pulled this far into darkness already. There's no way out at this point.”
“But there is,” the man said, getting up and beginning to walk away slowly. “You must find the light, and strike a balance between it and the darkness.”
“I knew you'd say something stupid like that,” the other me said.
“'Tis a blurred line between wisdom and stupidity,” the man said. “But then what do I know? I'm just a soul wrapped in Mana that the Archangel couldn't get his hands on.”

With that, the man vanished, leaving my Dark self alone.

Then there were more indescribable nightmares, before I had another rational dream. My Dark self was standing before a stone wall. On that wall was a gate, in the shape of a twisted, devilish face. It was chained shut by black chains that happened to be on fire.

“You have come,” came a voice from the gate.
“Yes,” my Dark self said, kneeling down. “I need to know what Jack is hiding.”
“You wish to know the true meaning behind your title,” the gate said. It wasn't a question. The gate knew exactly what the other me wanted. “You want to know what a Devil Killer truly is. The real reason why The Jack Of All created you.”
“Please,” the other me said. “I need the truth.”
“The truth lies past me,” the gate said. “If you are confident enough to face what lies ahead, you may proceed.”

The chains withdrew, and the gate opened. The other me got to his feet and walk through to the other side without any hesitation.

Then more nightmares, before the final dream. My Dark self approached Jack of All in an old temple of some kind. It looked Mayan... or something like that. They spoke, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. There was nothing but silence coming from their lips. The other me raised his hand, which emitted a black light. Not the kind of blacklight you use to find stains in a hotel room, it was light that was actually colored black. The light expanded, turning into a glowing sword. Jack summoned a sword that was almost identical, except for being red. They fought, savagely. Then, a third man appeared. He was hooded and cloaked, and his face was concealed beneath a black mask. A silver light appeared in his hand, tasking the shape of a sword just like the other two. They all fight. No one took sides. No one teamed up. They were each legitimately trying to kill the other two.

I didn't see the end of that fight. But the sight of their swords still linger in my mind. I can't forget them. A black sword, made of Fear. A silver sword, made of Mana. And Jack's sword... a sword that was neither Fear nor Man, but it's own form of power. A red sword of All. The swords were each made of pure power, and were stronger than any presence I've ever felt before.

I don't know exactly what those dreams meant. Were they my other self's past? His present? His future? Events from his original universe? I don't know...

we need to rest up for now, then we'll be moving again.

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