Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wait, What?

So the meeting with the Timberwolf went well. And by "well" I mean "bizarre and frightening". Simply put, he wasn't too pleased to see us. Said I should've just let him die.

"Don't give me that crap," I told him. "Why can't you just be grateful that I saved you."
"Don't bother with him," Tsu said. "The Timberwolves belief that they can be at one with their god once they fie. That's why they accept death so willingly."
"They sound like more of a cult than a gang," I replied.
"They're kind of both," Tsu replied.
"Watch what you say!" the Timberwolf demanded.
"What ever," I said. "You obviously don't want us here, so we'll leave."
"You go on," Tsu said. "I've still got questions for him."
On my way out, the Timberwolf said something else to me. He said "You must embrace the Archangel. It is the only salvation you can hope for."
I didn't understand what he meant by that, and at the moment, I didn't care.

When I got outside, I saw an old friend. His name was Justin Ferin. He was one of my best friends. One day, he joined a gang. I tried to stop him. It was the first fight we had ever had. We both walked away as enemies. Three weeks later, he appeared on the news. He had been murdered by an unknown serial killer. He had been smiling when they found his body. This was two years ago.

So needless to say, I was shocked to see him standing in front of me with a cocky, and somewhat malicious, smirk on his face.

"Hello, Daniel," he said to me. "Long time no see, my friend."
"This is impossible," I said. "You died years ago."
"You fool," He chuckled. "I have been immortalized within the Archangel."
"You're a Timberwolf, aren't you?" I asked.
"Oh, I am so much more then that," He said. Suddenly, we were surrounded by a blanket of black for. It swirled around us, and it condensed into his hand and became a gas mask. I didn't notice at first, but I now realized that his clothing was the same as the gas-masked figure I had seen before.
"You're the Archangel," I said.
"Bravo, you win the prize," He said, putting the mask on on. "How does it feel to know that your old buddy is the deity revered by one of the world's largest cults?"
I was gonna answer, but then Tsu grabbed my arm from behind and said "We're leaving!"
"What?" I asked. "What's going on? Tell me what's happening!"
"Later!" He said, dragging me away from Justin. "For now, we need to run. I'll answer all your questions later."

And so we ran back toward my place. I wish I could say the crazy shit ended there, but it didn't. We were almost to home when we almost collided with some one. No, not some one. Some thing. It was the tall person I had seen before. He stood above me, wearing this black suit and tie, looking straight down at me. Except, he didn't have eyes. Pr a nose. Or a mouth. He had no fucking face. I stepped back, frightened by what I was seeing. It stretched out it's long-ass arms, as if inviting me to come closer.
"Who are you!?" I demanded.
It cocked it's head to the side.
"We need to go," Tsu said, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me down a different route. I couldn't stop myself from looking back at that thing. I pulled out of Tsu's grasp and turned back to the faceless being.
"Vision still exists, within the Demi-God!" I called out to him. I don't know where those words came from or what they meant. The faceless thing nodded at me and then it was gone. Almost as if it was never there to begin with.

As soon as I got home, I grabbed Tsu by his shirt collar and told him to tell what just happened.
"It complicated," He said.
"Yeah, I can tell!" I shouted. "What was that thing just now?"
"Slender Man," He replied.
"What?" I asked.
"He's a fiend," He explained. "An evil god who torments humanity."
"And what about Justin?" I asked. "Why is he still alive?"
"That wasn't Justin," He said.
"But it looked just like him," I said.
"The Archangel can appear in the form of any dead person," He explained. "He appeared as that man because he was someone you used to know."
"That makes less sense than the Slender Man thing!" I said.
"Let's just take it easy for now," He said. "I'll call the Archive, see if they can provide some protection. Slender Man didn't seem very hostile towards us, so that means it's just the Archangel we have to worry about. If only I understood their motives."
"So what should we do?" I asked him.
"Most people become runners," He told me. "They try to flee from these monsters."
"I'm not running," I said. "I'm the kind of guy who faces his fears. I'll be ready the next time the Archangel or Slender Man show up."
"You've got some guts," Tsu told me. "Just make sure no one removes them from your body."
"I have one more question for you," I said. "What were those words I said to Slender Man? I don't know why I said that or what it meant."
"I'm just as confused as you are," He confessed. "I'll look into it, but I can't make any promises."

So yeah, crazy shit, right?

I'm going to bed. I've been through a lot today.

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