So, we went by that house earlier. We looked through the windows as we were walking past, and, unfortunately, the guy saw us. Stormed out of the house and asked why we were there. I told him we were just admiring his nice house. He didn't buy it. He grabbed me by the shirt and hissed "You're here for the kid, aren't you?". That was exactly what I needed. I pulled the mini-tape recorder out of my pocket and played that last bit back for him. His expression of shock immediately turned to rage when Dan hook kicked him in the face. He started chasing Dan down the street. I'm actually a little surprised he wasn't already unconscious.
While Dan was leading him away, I went called up the cops. They got there and found the kid. They also found the man's corpse a few blocks away.
Now, I no what you're thinking, but Dan wasn't the one who killed him.
Anyway, Dan wants to say something, so I'll let him have the computer for now. Tony, out.
Hey guys, it's Daniel. I want to talk about that guy I fought. He was on some kind of crazy steroid or something. He caught up to me a few blocks away from the house, and we had a pretty intense fight. He dented a few cars pretty badly, and he wasn't really phased by any of my attacks. Whatever he was on seemed to be the end of him. Some way into our fight, he started clutching his chest. He then said something like "The master said I would last longer." then he coughed up a bunch of blood and collapsed. The police informed me that his heart had exploded. I told them about his dying words, and they said they'd look into it.
Another thing I feel I should mention; There was someone else in that house. I noticed him when we were glancing through the windows. I don't know if Tony noticed him. Some tall bald wearing black. His back was turned to me so I couldn't see his face. The police said they didn't find anyone else in the house, but I think it might have been the "master" that guy was talking about.
"You're here for the kid, aren't you?" is a little bit too innocuous a statement to really be damning evidence. Not that you really needed a recording at all what with the fact you had the physical evidence of the kid being there anyways...