Sunday, September 2, 2012


First off, I'm drunk, so I apologize in advance for any typos. So, we have to put the field trip on hold for just a bit. You see, Malkator has been visiting me, and we had arranged to visit LA together. He told me that his rival and former enemy O'Zalia had informed him that they hadn't turned Paris into a hallowed yet, so we still have time. And apparently O'Zalia has asked Malkator to do him a favor real quick, so we're gonna let him get that taken care of before we head out to the building.

In the meantime, I guess I'll tell you all a bit about my past.

My dad was in the Navy during my childhood. So, because of his military job, we had to move a lot. And, when he was away doing Navy stuff, my mom sort of cheated on him. When I was six(ish), my mom's boyfriend at the time mistakenly locked my younger sister outside while she was giving milk to some stray cats (by the way, I have 2 sisters, one younger by 3 years and one older by 1 year, and also, in his defense, he didn't know she was outside). Any way, the police found her outside, and a bunch of stuff happened, we were taken into police custody, my parents got a divorce, my dad regained custody of us, we stayed with his parents (our grandparents) until he completed his military service, and then he got remarried to a woman who had a daughter and two sons who were older than all of us kids. We moved here to California, where we stayed for the pasted 12(ish) years. And, as I was used to moving around by that time time, staying in one place got a little weird for me. I eventually got so used to it that change started to bother me. That's why it was so weird when I had to move out. Any way, let's delve into my past again.

When I was in the first grade (I was still living with my grand parents at the time), I wasn't doing so great in school. My grand parents thought it was because I was stressed out from the divorce, so they arranged for the school to hold me back a year (this was 1st grade, by the way). I was also given a tutor. She was a couple years older than me, and she was a nice girl. One day, I saw a woman walking away with her. I called her name several times (I can't remember her name now, but I new it back then). I had called it several times before she actually looked back at me. It was as if she didn't recognize me. It was as if she had completely forgotten about me. I never saw her again. I don't know why I decided to share that with you all.

Anyway, into the future a bit. 6th grade. I was friends with a guy named Kevin Radey. He was more-or-less enemies with Tony Helioson. so I jumped on the bandwagon and hated Tony as well. However, in the ninth grade, Tony came up to me and told me he wanted to be my friend. I thought about it a bit, and realized that I was only enemies with him because of peer pressure (Tony wasn't exactly popular). So, I decided to give him a chance. Turns out, we had a lot in common. We both like yugioh, magic the gathering, sonic the hedgehog, and a bunch of other stuff . I sort of lost contac t with Kevin after a few years. I think I'll look him up on facebook or something once I'm sober, to see if he's still in the area and wants to meet up some time.

Anyway, I think that covers most of my past. If you guys have any other questions about that, leave a comment or email me at, and I'll update for you. In the mean time, I'm gonna wait for Malkator to come back so we can go on that trip. Later.

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