I entered my subconscious, where HELLFIRE was waiting.
DF; Well, you said you'd give answers, right?
HF; Of course. What is on your mind?
DF; Mainly the Fears. Malkator mentioned the quite a bit in his blog, and he even explained some of them. But I still have questions.
HF; Well, I'll explain as much as I can. First we have the "Entity", as you call it. IT is a mystery to most. He usually targets children. The fact that he's after you means that he has a reason.
DF; What reason would that be?
HF; You're special. Let's move on, shall we? Next we have the Rake. It is a being who lurks in the night, whispering to his victims and attacking them in their sleep. The Archangel is the afterlife which claims all things when they die. You've encounter it many times.
DF; More then I'd like.
HF;The Convocation is a hive-mind of thunder birds, who use humans as their nests. These Nests can release the Birds through openings in their skin. EAT is an aquatic being whose ink is almost identical to water. I replaces people's blood with its ink, turning them into the Camper. The Camper is a hive-mind under EAT's control.
DF; That sort of makes sense, I guess.
HF; The Blind Man is the master of memory, who robs people of their childhood. Your friends Tsu and Beta work for a cult that serves him. Then there's the Wooden Girl, who uses her strings to seize control of people.
DF; That explains why she could hole me back during our fight.
HF; The Plague Doctor lives to spread disease. He even has servants who help him do it. And then there's the Cold Boy, who prays on the lonely.
DF; He's the one who's after Jane.
HF; Yes. Moving on, we have the Intrusion, which is a legion of insects who crawls beneath the flesh of human, and the Black Dog, who hunts down liars and secret keepers.
DF; Neither of those sound like something I'd wanna cross.
HF; Of course not. Then there's the Eye, which casts it's gaze upon those with guilty heart, driving them insane with it's judgement before possessing someone to kill them. And there;s also the Mother of Snakes, who finds people who hate their reflections and draws the to the side of darkness.
DF; She's haunting Malkator, right?
HF; Indeed. Next, you should be warned about the Shadows. The Black Shadows are the Nightlanders, who seek to rearrange the word as they see fit. The Grey Shadows are the Choir, who rearrange word to drive their victims to insanity.
DF; I'd hate to meet any of them.
HF; I'm sure you know of the City now. It draws people in, and traps them there until it inevitably consumes them. And then there is the Quiet, which slowly replaces existance with nothingness.
DF; Are you saying that there's a Fear that can wipe out everything?
HF; Eventually, yes. But there's still more. The Smiling Man is rather enigmatic, but it's atruly psychotic being. And there is also the Unnamed Child, who allows people to grow attached to her, and then leaves them with nothing.
DF; She sounds like a bitch.
HF; Stop swearing. Next on the list is the Dying Man. We were once one, but have since split into several. We each have out own goals and method, but we each have the power to possess people. And of course there is our mother, the Red Cap.
DF; Mother?
HF; It's complicated. There are a couple Fears who are dead, but still linger in the world. One is the Vision, who has appeared before you many times, and the other is the Brute, who spreads rage and warfare where ever it goes.
DF; I won't have to worry about them much, will I?
HF; Hopefully not.
Then we were attacked by a pirate ship crewed by demons.
DF; What the hell is that?
HF; I was about to mention that. This the dream dweller, The Grotesque.
DF; How do we stop it?
JF; We are on a ship with cannons. Why not try using them?
DF; Justin! How do expect three of us to operate a ship on our own?
BM; I can help.
DF; Malkator? What the hell are you doing in my subconscious?
BM; I sort of forced my consciousness inside of your head earlier in order to stop HELLFIRE from controlling you. I can pretty much enter your mind whenever I want now.
DF; When will you guys realize that I don't like having other guys inside of me!
BM; Look, do you want to fight off the Grotesque or not?
And then We fought the Grotesque, it backed off, I told Malkator to get out of my head, and now I'm back at my computer again. Well, I feel like getting drunk after that bizarre experience.
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