Monday, August 26, 2013


I waited just outside of town, like Tony sad. I could see a large cloud approaching from a distance, and a small light binking in the center of it. That must have been the signal. I teeprted into the sky above the clouds. I could see the Tantalus sailing in the middle of it all. I used the Godsway again, reappearing jus a few feet above the deck. It's starting to scare me how easily I can do that. It doesn't even hurt any more.

Tony ran up to me when I came on board.
"Hey, man," he said. "Been a while."
"Yeah," I said. "So this ship can create fog?"
"It's how the Wooden Girl sailed around unnoticed when she was captain," Tony said.
"I see," I said. "So where's Kelterry?"
"Right here," Kelterry said, coming up from bellow deck.
"So would you mind explaining to me why the fuck you brought my mom on board?" I asked.
"I wanted answers," he said. "And she had them. You should go talk to her. You'll wanna hear what she has to say."

He led me below deck, where she was waiting, with my little half brother, Tyler. I don't think I've mentioned him on the blog before. Cute kid. He looks kind of like I used to. We both take after our mother.

"Been a while," I said.
"Yeah," my mom said.

Akward silence. I believe I explained in the post titled "Backstory" that my parents divorced when I was six. I don't see much of her anymore. Every now and then she and Tyler visit, but it's been a couple years since the last time.

Is it true you have powers?" Tyler said, finally reaking the silence.
"Sure do," I said. "Wanna see?"
"Yeah!" he said.
"Okay," I said, turning to Kelterry. "Would you mind getting your son?"
"I don't think he wants to be desturbed right now," Kelterry said.
"Please?" I said, smiling. As I did, my aura shifted a bit, evenloping the whole room.
"Okay," he replied, leaving.
"What was that?" my mom asked.
"The Unnamed Child's power," I said. "I pull an aura. Charm people. Not a power I like to use much, but I can get some people to do exactly what I want them to, if their guard is down."
Next, I set my hand on fire. My mom and Tyler jump back a bit.
"Took me awhile to get the hang of pyrokinesis," I said. "Cryo and electro kinesis were a lot easier."
A few moments later, Hideaki walked in.
"What did you want with me?" he asked.
"I just need to demonstrate something," I said, grabbing his arm.

My consciousness flowed into him. My body faded away, and my mind enveloped his own. I was seeing through his eyes. Using his body.

"The Dying Man's power," I said. "Possession."

I left his body quickly. I've used possession once before. If I stay in someone elses body for too long, they grow weak. Decay. I didn't want that to happen to Hideaki. Besides, possession is just plain exhausting.

"Geez," Hideaki said, shaking a bit. "Warn a guy next time!"
"Sorry," I said.
"One more!" Tyler said excitedly.
"Okay, but just one," I said.

I thought for a moment, trying to decide which one. And it came to me pretty easy. I'd hit her with a power she deserved to witness. I closed my eyes and focused. More of them appeared. On every wall, chair, the floor, the ceiling, everything. Eyes. Some large as eggs, some tiny as soy beans. And I could see everywhere. All around me. No blind spots.

Everyone in the room drew back, struck by a sensation I knew all to well. They were being forced to see their darkest moments. All of their life's regrets playing out before them. I opened my eyes again, and the other eyes vanished without a trace.

"What was that?" My mom asked.
"Guilt inducement," I said. Then I added "They also make great security cameras."
"I... I see," she said. She knew exactly why I did that.

Anyway, there was no more time for games. Time to get down to business. I turned on the Black Dog's power. My eyes turned red. They would let me know if she told a lie. I made sure to brush my bangs in front of my face so she wouldn't notice.

"Kelterry says you can tell me a bit about my powers," I said. "They were supposed to have faded away generations ago. Why did I get them back?"

"Do you remember 4 years ago?" she asked.
"Vaguely," I said.

That was two visits ago. I really don't remember muchof it. I think we went to Inn-In-Out. Or maybe it was Sizzlers... I get visits mixxed up sometimes.

"While I was visiting you, I saw something," she said. "Well, multiple things. There was a man in a gas mask, watching you from a distance."
"The Archangel," I said.
"I didn't think much of it at first," she said. "But I saw him again. Then, there was this woman wearing a wedding dress. When I looked at her a second time, she was gone, and there were only fireflies."
"The Burning Bride," I said.
"And I kept seeing others," she said. "A tall bald man in a suit, an old man with a book, a wooden mannequin that seemed to move, a large dog with red eyes. After I left again, I met a man. He said the things I saw were called Fears, and that they were after you."
"He was right," I said. I had no idea they were watching me all the way back to four years ago. Exactly how long have the Fears been involved with my life?
"I didn't believe him at first," she said. "But then he showed me something."
"What did he show you?" I asked.
"His hand," she said.

Jack. My mother met the Jack Of All, four years ago. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But the Black Dog's eyes were still active. She was telling the truth.

"It was inhuman," he said. "He even did magic with it. Real magic, not that sleight of hand BS."
"So what did you do?" I asked.
"He said you had power sleeping inside you," she said. "Power that could protect you."
"Go on," I said, scared of what might come next.
"He said he could awaken that power," she said. "All I had to do was-"
"Shake his hand," I finished for her.
"Yes," she said.
"And you did?" I asked.
"I wanted you to be safe," she said. "I know I'm not always there for you, but your my son! I don't want anything to happen to you."
"What was the catch?" I asked. "The Jack Of All... he doesn't make these kinds of deals without some kind of twist or price or something."
"He did say something," she said. "He said that in the near future, you would be forced to part with something dear to you."
"I need some time alone," I said.
"Okay," she replied.

I went to my cabin and sat on the bed. My mom made a deal with Jack four years ago. That's why I'm a Devil Killer. But what did I part with? Or have I not parted with it yet? Just what the hell was the price for Jack's deal?

Kelterry just knocked on the door. He said we'll be heading off to Veratis Kalohella soon. I'd better wrap this post up and get ready.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


"So how long will it take you guys to get here?"
"The way the wnd is... a couple days."
"And you can get here unseen?"
"The Wooden Girl wouldn't just captain any old ship, would she? Nah, this baby's got some tricks up her sails. We can get there without anyone seeing us. Just wait for us a couple miles South of town. We'll give you a signal so you'll know where we are, then you just Godsway on board."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Also, we have a new passenger."
"Who is it?"
"Don't freak out, but... it's kind of your mom..."
"Wait, what?"
"Garrot was still curious about your Devil Killer powers. He thought that maybe your mom might have the answers. Turns out, she did."
"What do you mean?"
"I think it's better if she explains it to you."
"I haven't spoken to my mom in years!"
"I know, man. But you're gonna want to hear what she has to say. It's kind of important."
"I'll call you back later."
"Alright. Bye Tony."
"Peace out, man."

Hung up the phone after that. What the hell was Kelterry thinking, picking up my mom? I'm gonna have to make him explain this when I get back to the ship. I'd just Godsway there right now, but I don't know the exact location of the ship. They'll have to come to me.

In the mean time, I'm staying in a small town in Rhode Island. Not gonna put exact coordinates on the blog, for safety reasons.

Anyway, after that phone call with Tony ended, I heard a scream, just a couple blocks from me. So, being the reckless bastard that I am, I went to investigate. What I found wasn't to pretty.

There was a man, lying on the pavement. And lying a few feet away from him, was his head. Standing over him was a girl. She was kind of cute. A little too young for me, but still kind of cute. What wasn't cute was the blood stained long sword in her hands.

"What happened?" I demanded. "Did you kill him?"
"He had it coming," she said. Her voice was completely monotone. No em,otion in it whatsoever.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"He was a bully," she said.
"Is that it?" I demanded. "He was a bully?"
"Bullies deserve to die," she said emptily.
"You just killed a person just for being a bully!" I shouted at her. "Do you have any idea how fucked up that logic is!?"
"Don't raise your voice at me," she said, raising her sword. "It's a mean thing to do."
I drew my own sword.
"Do you plan to fight me with that?" she asked.
"Yeah, I do," I said.
"Did you know this man?" she asked me.
"I have no clue who his is," I said.
"Then why avenge him?" she asked.
"I'm not doing this for vengeance!" I said. "I'm doing this to stop you. It doesn't matter that I don't know him."
"So you're going to kill me so that I won't kill any more bullies?" she asked.
"I'm not going to kill anyone!" I snapped. "I said I'm going to stop you!"
"Oh," she said. "Well, good luck."

She swung her sword at me, and I parried it. I swung mine, trying to cut her arm, but she dodged and knicked me in the shoulder with her own blade. We kept at it, but she was good. Better than I am. As if she does nothing but train with that sword. And on top of that, it was no normal sword. Up close, I could feel it. I was the same as the sword I gave to Scia. It had destroyed this girl's emotions. Even if I did want to kill her, doing so would be pointless. She was already dead.

"You can't beat me," she said, driving me back. "You have too many feelings holding you back. To many stupid emotions, weakening you."
"Go fuck yourself!" I snapped.

My sword burast into bright flames. They had never been quite the same since my fight with Red Daniel. They burned brighter, and wider than they used to. She stepped back, away from the intense heat.

"You're not the only one with a supernatural weapon," I told her.

It was at that point that I did get a sense of emotion from her. Fear. She turned from me and ran. Ran to a brick wall nearby. A brick wall with a door, that didn't belong there.

I tried to stop her. Strings pierced my finger tips from the inside, coming out and extending. They reached for her, trying to bind her before she could reach the door. But they weren't fast enough. The door slammed shut before they reached her.

The strings withdrew as I ran to the door. As I approached it, it faded away slowly, melting back into the bricks. It was gone by the time I reached it.

She had ran right through a door to the Empty City. On the plus side, she wouldn't be killing anyone here in the normal world. On the down side, the Empty City had claimed a new victim. Because of me. I'm the reason she tried to escape through the door. And now she's trapped there.

Damn it. Why do shitty things happen whenever I try to do the right thing.

Guess there's nothing left to do right now except wait for the damn ship to get here...

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Angel Of Death

I was there for another week when it happened. Carla was treating my wounds when I had that feeling. A Fear was present. And in a few moments, he entered the room. The Archangel. In her father's body.
"Hello, Carla," he said.
"Carla, get out of here," I said, sitting up.
"What?" she asked.
"That's not your dad, it's the Archangel," I said.
"Now why would you tell her such a silly lie?" he asked.
I reached down to my leg and ripped off the cast.
"What are you doing?" Carla asked. "How did you...?"
I got to my feet and faced the Archangel. It hurt my leg to do that, but I had no choice.
"I must say, that scar looks good on you," the Archangel said.
"Get out of here," I demanded.
"No," he replied.
He raised a hand and sent me crashing into the wall. I slumped to the grund, in even more pain then before.
"Daniel!" Carla said, running up to me. She placed a hand on my chest and I had this weird sensation. My pain was disappearing, slowly. My wounds were beginning to close up.
"You... you're healing me?" I said. "How?"
"I don't know," she said.
Before she could finish healing me, a black sword pierced her from behind. She slumped over, dead.
"Carla!?" I said.
"What a shame," the Archangel said. "Killed by her own father. And now, her soul is mine."
"I don't think so!" I said. "This is one soul I won't let you have!"
I absorbed her soul before the Archangel had a chance to. He grabbed me by the throat and flung me against the other wall.
"You will return to me what is mine!" he shouted.
Let me fight, Justin said. Let me take him!
Okay, I said.
My form changed. I became Justin, and a scythe appeared in Justin's hand.
"You!?" the Archangel said.
"Long time no see," Justin said.
They attacked each other. I had no idea how good of a fighter Justin was. Apparently, he had been training. The Archangel retreat, but I know he'd be back. He always comes back.
I'm sorry, Carla. I told you, I should have left before. Everyone I'm ever around ends up dead.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Waking Up

Seems I've been out a few weeks. Woke up in a small house, lying in a bed with bandages around my chest. Don't remember much since my last post.
"Okay, where am I?" I asked.
"You're in my dad's house," someone said.
There was this red haired girl standing over me.
"What happened?" I asked. "Why am I here?"
"We found you lying in the street, unconscious," she said. "You were pretty beaten up."
"Why does my chest hurt?" I asked, raising a hand up to the bandages.
"We think you were attacked," she said.
I tore the bandages off to have a look at my chest. It was sickening. The twin triangles were branded right over my heart.
"Fucking Archangel," I muttered.
"What?" she asked.
"Nothing," I said. "Who are you?"
"My name is Carla," she said.
"I'm Daniel," I said.
The door opened and a gray haired man entered.
"Oh, good, you're up," he said. "I'm Father Francis."
"Father?" I asked. "As in 'preacher'?"
"Yes," he confirmed.
"Great," I said sarcastically. I've never liked preachers, or anything that has to do with religion.
"Are you Atheist?" he asked me.
"No," I said. "I believe in gods, and they're all assholes."
"Oh, so you're Greek?" he said, smiling. "Well, you can believe what you want. I don't judge. I have business to attend t, so I won't keep you two."
He left after that.
"You said something about an angel, didn't you?" Carla asked.
"It's not important," I said. "I should probably leave soon."
"You can't yet," she said. "Your legs aren't healed yet."
"What?" I asked, moving the blankets aside. My left leg was in a cast, and my right was bound in bandages.
"Yeah, you were hurt pretty badly," she said.
"Damn it," I said.
"I'll leave you alone for a while," she said.
She left. I don't remember anything. All I know is that the Archangel or one of his followers attacked me.